Category Archives: Step 2 CS Tips

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In some cases, one of the assessments during the Step 2 cs exam might be a patient suffering from an alcohol-related problem. When presented with such a situation, it’s important to address the following factors.

  • You need to be psychologically prepared. At one point or another, you will have to give advice (that’s what examiners expect) in a manner that won’t sound forceful or offensive to the patient. Advise them to be moderate. For instance, more than three drinks, three times a week is considered excessive.
  • It’s also wise to introduce the CAGE principle while assessing the patient. This is an acronym that raises the following queries.

-Is it possible for the patient to CUT down on their drinking?

-Does their drinking ANNOY others?

-Does he or she have feelings of GUILT concerning their drinking?

-Will this be an EYE-OPENER, or will they revert back to their drinking first thing in the morning?

  • Lastly, you can remind them about the effects of over-indulgence, such as high-blood, pressure, strokes, liver cirrhosis e.t.c. This will not only portray you as a concerned physician, but also show the examiners that you’ve mastered your content well.

As always, feel free to contact us anytime for assistance in preparing for your Step 2 CS examination.

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When it comes to the USMLE Step 2 Cs exam, an accurate differential diagnosis is important because not only does it ease the patient from a rigorous testing process, but also from the physical and emotional trauma of being sick and hospitalized. As a medical student about to undertake the exam, how can you appropriately give an accurate differential diagnosis? Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

oqmzwnd3thu-helloquence1- If you’re reading these tips a few weeks before the exam, the better. The first thing you need to do is study and know your content well. Many conditions have similar signs and symptoms with only slight variations, thus it’s important that the content remains permanently at your fingertips.

qgfycvbkde4-angelina-litvin2- During the exam, exchange brief pleasantries with the patient before commencing. Then inquire on the patient’s chief problem and note their vital signs. This should signal at least two or three diagnoses right away.


3- Jot these at the top of your notepad and direct your questions in such a manner to eliminate your differentials one by one until you are quite sure that have the correct one.


4- Listen closely to your patient’s own words as these will give you clues to help you on the right path.


5- Lastly, be organized and draw out a system for your findings.

Having these steps in mind will give you the much needed confidence to ace the test. Remember, practice is an integral element of success. Therefore, ensure you prepare well.

As always, connect with us to answer any questions you have about the Step 2 CS exam!

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Category : Step 2 CS Tips

In the Step 2 CS exam, pain evaluation is one of the important factors that assessors use to determine whether you have prepared well. That being said, how do you confidently tackle this section? Here are a few tips to keep in mind while being examined.

  1. Make the patient (examiner) comfortable

Presentation is key here. Make a warm introduction to the patient so that they ease into you. This reduces their tension and nerves (and also shows that you’re confident with the examiner).


  1. Read the patient’s facial expression

Facial expressions convey a lot about the level of pain and distress. Moreover, it’s important to ask the patient to relate their intensity of pain on a scale of 1 to 10. From there, you can proceed with a few more questions (preferably one or two); but don’t ask any that lead into irrelevant information.

  1. Inquiring on other parameters of pain

After you’ve assessed the intensity, it’s also important to know the location of the pain, the radiation and its frequency. This is important as it helps you build up a more accurate differential diagnosis. Remember, the patient comes first. So do everything in your power to make them comfortable i.e, through pain alleviation.



If you have any questions, connect with us via our Facebbok, Twitter and LinkedIn pages or drop us an email and we’ll be happy to help!

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Data collection is the main pillar of the step 2 cs. Did you know that 85% of the exam is determined by how well you interact and obtain information from your patient? Not only does this data help you in your differential diagnosis, but also showcases your readiness to work at a professional level. While in the assessment room, it may get a little tense during this process. Here are a few guidelines to help you keep a cool head while gathering your findings.

1. Note down important points and use mnemonicsUse a good set of mnemonics to obtain proper data, and also remember to jot down important points as your patient explains their problem.xg8iqmqmitm-aaron-burden
2. Ask questions
It cannot be reiterated how crucial question asking is during the exam process. It shows that you’re confident and not afraid to go the extra mile to get all the relevant information from your patient.

3. Study your patient
Some patients might not be open books. That’s why it’s important to study them to search for hints they may drop along the way, which could potentially help you arrive at a correct diagnosis, and a pass!



If you have any questions, connect with us via our Facebbok, Twitter and LinkedIn pages or drop us an email and we’ll be happy to help!

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The Step 2 CS (clinical skills) examination is an exam that medical students have to pass in order to practice medicine in the United States. The Step2 CS or Clinical Skills Examination (CSE) examination evaluates ones ability to gather and interpret clinical  patient data and communicate effectively in the English language. Step 2 CS consists of eleven or twelve stations, ten of which are scored; in each station one will encounter a Standardized Patient (SP), a lay person trained to realistically and consistently portray a patient. The SPs will respond to questions with answers appropriate to the patient being portrayed and will react appropriately to physical maneuvers. One will be expected to proceed through each encounter with an SP as if you would with a real patient.

When it comes to closing, it’s always important to finish the Step 2 cs exam in style. Besides, you’ll never get to do it again right? The first mistake people do, probably out of shyness, is to leave the room silently; as if they have no business staying another second. On the contrary, you might still have a lot to do, and this might appear rude to the examiners. It’s important that you:

  1. Leave the patient knowing that they’ve given you sufficient data on the problem. You can ask them if there’s any small detail they forgot to tell you which could be important for their treatment.[Physician examining a patient at bedside]
  2. Inform them that you will follow up on them. After their test results have been processed, tell them that you will come back to discuss in full detail the outcome and what successive measures need to be taken.stethoscope, medical, health, doctor, macbook, laptop, computer, objects, office, desk
  3. Address their concerns. In case the patient looks worried about something, talk to them about it and assure them that you will do everything in your power to make their stay comfortable every step of the way.stethoscope, medical, health, doctor, iphone, mobile, smartphone, cell phone, objects, office, desk

For more tips on passing the Step 2 CS exam, please refer to the other articles on the website. CSE Review offers classes to arm you with the knowledge required to pass the exam, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.